- 9/15/2012: Wow, look at this quote from the WCP contract: “The Author may terminate this agreement before the three (3) year period above by means of a contract buyout. The Author will notify the Publisher 90 days before buyout date with a certified mail notice or other receipted or traceable delivery service, of the intent to exercise the contract buyout option. All rights granted the publisher would revert to Author at the time of the buyout, if proper notification has been done. Upon this contract termination through the buyout option, Publisher will remove listing of the Work from its website and all download-based distributors and advise Books in Print that that particular ISBN is no longer in print. The exception to this termination of contract is that Publisher may continue to sell existing stock of physical formats (print books) but may not create new physical copies upon depletion of its existing stock. The Author will pay to the Publisher the sum of $500.00 (five hundred dollars) to exercise this contract buyout option. This fee must be paid to the Publisher by the Author at notification of intent to exercise the buyout option. The Author will be responsible for full payment of damages and customary legal fees as a result of legal action stemming from failure to pay this buyout clause.”
September 2012 Update from Preditors and Editors
Whiskey Creek Press: Strongly not recommended.